Everyone of us which to have those big guns that only can give an impression

Everyone of us which to have those big guns that only can give an impression to others that this person is an athlete

or else a hard worker , the arm muscles are more important for a bodybuilder as if you have a strong arms you can perform more in the gym and you can lift more weights , like everyone now that the human arm is divided into two parts :

The Upper arm,and which consist from two major muscles Biceps and Triceps .

The Lower Arm, also known as Forearm .

Here below are the arm muscles details :

Biceps Brachii : also referred to as Biceps,this muscle contain two heads that start at the front and the back of the shoulder before joining together at the elbow,The end near elbow flex the forearm, bringing it toward the upper arm. The two heads near shoulder help with flexion and adduction of your upper arm.

Brachialis : This muscle lies underneath the biceps. It acts as a bridge between the humerus and ulna, one of the main bones of the forearm. It’s involved with the flexing of the forearm.

CoracoBrachialis :This muscle is located near the shoulder. It allows adduction of the upper arm and flexion of the shoulder. It also helps to stabilize the humerus within shoulder joint.

Triceps Brachii :This muscle, usually referred to as triceps, runs along the humerus and allows for the flexion and extension of the forearm. It also helps to stabilize the shoulder joint.

Anconeus : This is a small, triangular muscle that helps to extend the elbow and rotate forearm. It’s sometimes considered to be an extension of the triceps.

Forearm : Your forearm contains more muscles than your upper arm does. It contains both an anterior and posterior compartment.

Lets Start with our arm program .,We will start with forearm then Biceps and at last Triceps .


Exercise 1:

Reverse Barbell Curl x 4 Sets

  1. Grip a barbell with a shoulder width overhand grip.
  2. Stand straight up with your back flat and head up.
  3. Keep your elbows tucked into your sides.
  4. curl the bar up towards the top of your chest.
  5. Pause for a second to fully contract the forearms.
  6. Slowly lower the barbell back down.
  7. Repeat the movement 12 times.

Exercise 2 :

Barbell Wrist Curl x 4 Sets

  1. Sit on a flat bench and lay your forearms on your lap while holding a barbell palms up
  2. Using only your hands and wrists, curl the barbell up toward the ceiling as high as possible,keeping your forearms flat on your lap
  3. Return to the start position slowly ,allow the barbell to roll all the way down into your fingertips and then repeat .
  4. Repeat the movement 20 times each.



Exercise 3 :

Dumbbell Reverse Wrist Curl x 4 Sets

  1. Sit and hold a dumbbell with an overhand grip
  2. Rest your forearm on the bench at a 90 degree angle, holding the dumbbell off the side of the bench, this position is generally more comfortable on the wrists.
  3. Lower the dumbbell as far as you can, then reverse curl the dumbbell back up and flex your wrist.
  4. Once finish with the wright arm , pass to the left .
  5. Repeat the exercise 12 times on each arm .



Exercise 1:

Wide Grip Standing Barbell Curl x 4 Sets :

  1. Stand up with your torso upright while holding a barbell at the wide outer handle. The palm of your hands should be facing forward. The elbows should be close to the torso. This will be your starting position.
  2. While holding the upper arms stationary, curl the weights forward while contracting the biceps as you breathe out. Caution: Only the forearms should move.
  3. Continue the movement until your biceps are fully contracted and the bar is at shoulder level. Hold the contracted position for a second and squeeze the biceps hard.
  4. Slowly begin to bring the bar back to starting position as your breathe in.
  5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Exercise 2:

Dumbbell one arm Bicep Curl x 4 Sets

  1. Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand at arm’s length. Keep your elbows close to your torso and rotate the palms of your hands until they are facing forward. This will be your starting position.
  2. Now, keeping the upper arms stationary, exhale and curl the weights while contracting your biceps. Continue to raise the weights until your biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Hold the contracted position for a brief pause as you squeeze your biceps.
  3. Then, inhale and slowly begin to lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.
  4. Keep the other arm on the starting position , until finishing the required repetitions.
  5. Repeat the movement 12 times , then move to the other arm .


Exercise 3:

Hammer Curls x 4 Sets

  1. Stand up with your torso upright and a dumbbell on each hand being held at arms length. The elbows should be close to the torso.
  2. The palms of the hands should be facing your torso. This will be your starting position.
  3. Now, while holding your upper arm stationary, exhale and curl the weight forward while contracting the biceps. Continue to raise the weight until the biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbell is at shoulder level. Hold the contracted position for a brief moment as you squeeze the biceps. Caution: Focus on keeping the elbow stationary and only moving your forearm.
  4. After the brief pause, inhale and slowly begin the lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
  5. Keep the other arm on the starting position , until finishing the required repetitions.
  6. Repeat movement 12 times on each arm.


Exercise 4 :

Standing Biceps Cable Curls x 4 Sets

  1. Set up a cable station with a straight bar attachment connected to the low pulley.
  2. Stand close to the station, feet shoulder width apart either side of the pulley.
  3. Grip the bar with a shoulder width underhand grip.
  4. Keep your elbows close to your sides.
  5. Curls your arms upward from the elbows in a smooth arc.
  6. Continue until your forearms are vertical with your palms facing your shoulders. Hold for a count of one while flexing your biceps.
  7. Lower the bar back to the starting position in a smooth motion.
  8. Repeat movement 12 times.

Exercise 5:

Concentration Curls x 4 Sets

  1. Sit down on a flat bench with one dumbbell in front of you between your legs. Your legs should be spread with your knees bent and feet on the floor.
  2. Use your right arm to pick the dumbbell up. Place the back of your right upper arm on the top of your inner right thigh. Rotate the palm of your hand until it is facing forward away from your thigh. Caution: Your arm should be extended and the dumbbell should be above the floor. This will be your starting position.
  3. While holding the upper arm stationary, curl the weights forward while contracting the biceps as you breathe out. Only the forearms should move. Continue the movement until your biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Caution: At the top of the movement make sure that the little finger of your arm is higher than your thumb. This guarantees a good contraction. Hold the contracted position for a second as you squeeze the biceps.
  4. Slowly begin to bring the dumbbells back to starting position as your breathe in. Caution:Avoid swinging motions at any time.
  5. Repeat movement for 12 times, Then repeat the movement with the left arm.



Exercise 1 :

Lying grip barbell Triceps Extension x 4 Sets

  1. While holding a barbell or EZ Curl bar with a pronated grip (palms facing forward), lie on your back on a flat bench with your head close to the end of the bench. Caution: If you are holding a barbell grab it using a shoulder-width grip and if you are using an E-Z Bar grab it on the inner handles.
  2. Extend your arms in front of you and slowly bring the bar back in a semi circular motion (while keeping the arms extended) to a position over your head. At the end of this step your arms should be overhead and perpendicular to the floor. This will be your starting position.Caution: Keep your elbows in at all times.
  3. As you inhale, lower the bar by bending at the elbows and while keeping the upper arm stationary. Keep lowering the bar until your forearms are perpendicular to the floor.
  4. As you exhale bring the bar back up to the starting position by pushing the bar up in a semi-circular motion until the lower arms are also parallel to the floor. Contract the triceps hard at the top of the movement for a second. Caution: Again, only the forearms should move. The upper arms should remain stationary at all times.
  5. Repeat movement for 12 times.


Exercise 2:

Cable Rope Overhead Extension x 4 Sets

  1. Attach a rope to the bottom pulley of the pulley machine.
  2. Grasping the rope with both hands, extend your arms with your hands directly above your head using a neutral grip (palms facing each other). Your elbows should be in close to your head and the arms should be perpendicular to the floor with the knuckles aimed at the ceiling. This will be your starting position.
  3. Slowly lower the rope behind your head as you hold the upper arms stationary. Inhale as you perform this movement and pause when your triceps are fully stretched.
  4. Return to the starting position by flexing your triceps as you breathe out.
  5. Repeat the movement for 12 times.


Exercise 3:

Straight Barbell Triceps Cable Extensions x 4 Sets

  1. Attach a straight bar to a cable stack as high as possible and assume a standing position.
  2. Grasp the straight bar with a pronated grip (palms facing down) and lean forward slightly by hinging at the hips.
  3. Initiate the movement by extending the elbows and flexing the triceps.
  4. Pull the handle downward until the elbows are almost locked out and then slowly lower under control back to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the movement for 12 times.



Exercise 4 :

Seated Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension x 4 Sets

  1. Sit on a bench with back support holding a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Extend your arms fully and raise the dumbbells overhead.
  3. Lower the dumbbells behind your head, bending at the elbows.
  4. Keep your elbows steady.
  5. Stop just shy of the dumbbell touching your neck.
  6. Pause for one second, then extend your arms back to the starting position overhead.
  7. Repeat the movement for 12 times.











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